Sheet metal work
The sheet metal work is real manual work at DerLANZmannheim. Ideally, the sheet metal of the Lanz vehicles is still completely present. However, it is extremely rare that the sheet metal is in its original condition. Severe deformations and old repair welds made in a hurry by the "village blacksmith" of the time are the rule. Here we rely on a classic method: manual dent removal. Thanks to many years of experience, our team achieves professional solutions even in the most extreme cases. Even if we can rely on our suppliers for many new sheet metal parts, fairings, bonnets etc. where original parts are no longer salvageable or even missing, all sheet metal must be adapted to the respective Lanz by hand. In doing so, we pay attention to shape and fit in order to be able to present the respective vehicle silhouette as it is from the factory. Compare our Lanz Bulldog restorations with other suppliers!